Process Administration
Our outstanding reputation for customer satisfaction is built on our commitment to clear and accurate communication with every customer.
With our fast, attentive customer service and integrated repair order status reports, we ensure our customers have the information they need to conduct business—without interruption.
Our extensive materiel management experience has long been a major element of our success in providing rapid aircraft-component overhauls.
That experience, coupled with strong vendor and manufacturer relationships enables us to:
- Ensure our customers receive the highest quality parts and competitive prices
- Analyze the frequency of parts used in the repair cycle
- Meet or exceed our customers’ required turn times
- Replenish our inventory in advance to meet future needs
- Find solutions to difficult challenges posed by aging aircraft
- Fill our extensive inventory with hard-to-procure and long-lead items
- Lower operating costs and reduce aircraft downtime
Is it Materia l or Materie l?
Many people mention that we’ve misspelled the word materiel. Have we?